Victory Point Page 34
USASETAF/OEF VI Insurgency / Counterinsurgency—Historical Perspectives. Leader Preparation Monograph #1. 2004.
Warfighting (MCDP 1). U.S. Marine Corps. Headquarters, United States Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., 1997.
Yousaf, Mohammad and Mark Adkin. Afghanistan: The Bear Trap—the Defeat of a Superpower. Casemate, 2001.
Ali, Imtiaz. “Spotlight on Terror: The Father of the Taliban: An Interview with Maulana Sami ul-Haq. TerrorismMonitor. Volume IV, Issue 2. May 23, 2007.
Brown, Bryan D. “U.S. Special Operations Command: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century.” Joint Forces Quarterly, Issue 40, May, 2006.
“Cotton: World Markets and Trade.” U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Tobacco, Cotton, and Seeds Division, Washington, D.C. 1996.
Donahue, Colonel Patrick, and Colonel Michael Fenzel, U.S. Army. “Combating a Modern Insurgency: Combined Task Force Devil in Afghanistan.” Military Review. March-April 2008.
Jiskani, Mithal M. “Cotton Diseases.” Industry and Economy. Issue No. 27, 2001.
Magruder, Major J. H. III. “The Marine Corps Officers’ Mameluke Sword.” USMCR (Reproduced from the November 1954 issue of the Marine Corps Gazette, chapter 2).
Marzban, Omid. “Shamshatoo Refugee Camp: A Base of Support for Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.” TerrorismMonitor. In-Depth Analysis of the War on Terror. Volume V, Issue 10. May 24, 2007.
Rahmani, Waliullah. “Afghanistan’s Veteran Jihadi Leader: An Interview with Qazi Mohammad Amin Waqad.” TerrorismMonitor. Volume IV, Issue 1. May 3, 2007.
Raman, B. “The Curious Case of Amjad Farooqi.” Asia Times, September 30, 2004.
Shahzad, Saleem Syed. “At War with the Taliban.” Asia Times, May 23, 2008.
Cannon, Jim. “A Brief History of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines.” Historical Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Washington, DC. 20380. March 1972.
Cooling, Colonel Norman L. “To Integrate or to Deconflict, That Is the Question: An Examination of Contemporary Challenges in Conventional and Special Operations Forces Command and Control.” U.S. Marine Corps. Naval War College. November, 2007.
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Hill, Lieutenant Colonel David E. Jr. “The Shaft of the Spear: US Special Operations Command, Funding Authority, and the Global War on Terrorism.” United States Army. USAWC Strategy Research Project. U.S. Army WarCollege. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. March 15, 2006.
Scott, Lieutenant Colonel Robert R. and Major Scott Westerfield. “The Island Warriors in OEF VI.”
Page numbers in Italics indicate map references.
A-10 Thunderbolt II “Warthog,”
Abbas Ghar,
Abdur Rahman Khan (“Iron Emir”)
AC-130 Gunship
Adams, Anthony (Lance Corporal)
Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG)
Advanced Echelon (ADVON)
Afghan Arabs
Afghan Border Security
Afghan Bureau (of the ISI)
Afghan National Army (ANA)
Afghan National Police (ANP)
Afghan Security Forces (ASF) ,
Afghan Services Bureau (Maktab al-Khidmat al Mujahidin al Arab, or MAK)
American Invasion of
Civil War
General Overview
Human Geography and History
Physical Geography
Afghan-Pakistan Border
Afzal, Mawlawi
AH-1W Super Cobra
AH-64 Apache (Call Sign Shock)
Air Force Combat Controllers
Air Support Operations Center (ASOC) (U.S. Air Force),
AK-47 Kalashnikov Rifle
Al Anbar Province of Iraq
Al Asad, Iraq
Alexander III of Macedonia (Alexander the Great)
Alexandria, Egypt
Alingar Valley
al-Rahman, Jamil
al-Zawahiri, Ayman
Amin, Hafizullah
Amin, Ruhola
Amrey Creek
Amrey Road
Amu Darya River (formerly the Oxus River)
Anaconda, Operation
Anaya, Luis “Doc,” (Navy Hospital Corpsman Third Class)
Anticoalition Milita (ACM)
Apocalypse Now (movie)
Arabian Sea
Aral Sea
Arref, Haji,
Arsenic (tainted water wells)
Asadabad, Afghanistan (AKA Chagha Serai)
Asadabad-Jalalabad Road
Asia, Central
Asia, South,
Asia, Southeast
As-Sahab Media
AT4 Rocket
Atherton, Chuck (Staff Sergeant)
AV-8B Harrier
Axelson, Matthew (petty officer second class)
Azam, Muhummad
Azzam, Abdullah
B-52H Stratofortress
Badakhshan Province
Baghdad, Iraq
Bagram Air Field (BAF)
Bakaro Ghar
Bambey, John (First Lieutenant)
Banana Wars
Barbary States
Barno, David (Lieutenant General)
Bartels, Matt (First Lieutenant)
Battle Damage Assessment (BDA)
Beckwith, Charles (Colonel)
Beeman, Travis (Navy Hospital Corpsman Third Class)
Belleau Wood, Battle of
Bellman, Justin (First Lieutenant)
Bhutto, Benazir
Bhutto, Zulfiqar Ali
Big Windy (call sign)
Blessing, Camp
Blessing, Jay
Blood Chits
Blue, Task Force
Boar-11 (A-10 call sign)
Boar-21 (A-10 call sign)
Bofors Gunsm
Boonie Cover
Bougainville Campaign
Bougainville Island
Boyd, Ken (Lance Corporal)
Bradley, Justin (Corporal)
Bridgeport, California
Bronze Star
Brown, Task Force (in-country designation of the Special Operations Air Regiment (Airborne)—the 160th SOAR(A), the “Night Stalkers”)
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Burgos, Chris (Corporal)
Bush, George
C-130 Hercules
Cadaver Dogs
Caffeine Pills
Capuzzi, Pete (Captain)
Carter, Jimmy
Caspian Sea,
Celtics, Operation
Central Command (CENTCOM)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
CH-46E Sea Knight “Phrog”
CH-47 Chinook
CH-53E Super Stallion
Chagha Serai (Asadabad)
Cheek, Gary (Colonel)
Cheshane Ghar
Cheshane Tupay
Chip Light
Chitral (Pakistan)
Chizmadia, Jesse “Chiz” (First Lieutenant)
Chosin Reservoir, Korea (“Frozen Chosin” Campaign)
Chowkay (village),
Chowkay Valley
Cirencione, Salvatore (Corporal)
CJTF-76 Operation Enduring Freedom-VI Rules of Engagement Card (ROE Card)
se Air Support (CAS)
Close Combat Attack (Definition of),
Code Talkers
Combined Anti-Armor Team (CAAT)
Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan (CFC-A)
Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan (CJSOTF-A)
Combined Joint Task Force 76 (CJTF-76)
Combined Joint Task Force Thunder
Combined Joint Task Force, Definition of
Command and Control (C2)
Commander Ismael (Alias of Ahmad Shah)
Composition-4 (C4)
Compromise, Hard
Containerized Delivery System (CDS) Drop
Continental Navy
Cooling, Norman “Norm” (Lieutenant Colonel)
Corcoran, Kyle (First Lieutenant)
Cordless Phone (for IED trigger)
Corpsmen, Navy
Counterinsurgency (COIN)
Coyotes (of TTECG)
Crisp III, Lee (Staff Sergeant) ,
Cyclone, Operation
Daoud, Mohammad Sarder
Dara-I-Nur (Valley of Light [as in Valley of the Enlightened Ones])
Darul Quran Panjpir Madrassa
Dasht-e-Kavir Desert
Davidson, William “Red”
Dawlat-I Inqilabi-yi Islamiyi Nuristan (Islamic Revolutionary State of Nuristan)
Deconfliction (Definition of)
Decoy Drops
Defense Language Institute
Delta Corridor
Density Altitude
Department of Defense
Derne, Battle of
Desert One
Devil, Task Force
Dietz, Danny (Petty Officer Second Class)
Diss, Corey (Lance Corporal) Doghouse (Call Sign for the 2 Army 105mm
Howitzers and Crew at Camp Wright) Dominican Republic
Donahue, Patrick (Colonel)
Donnellan, James “Jim” (Lieutenant Colonel)
Drug Enforcement Agency
Dubs, Adolph “Spike”
Dunaway, Jason (Lance Corporal)
Durand Line
Durrani, Ahmad Shah
Dushanbe (Tajikistan)
Dustoff (Army Air Ambulance UH- 60 Blackhawks and Crew)
Eagle Claw, Operation
Earthquakes (in the Hindu Kush)
East India Company
Echo Company (Company E, 2/3)
Echo-1 (First Platoon, Echo Company, 2/3)
Echo-2 (Second Platoon, Echo Company , 2/3)
Echo-3 (Third Platoon, Echo Company, 2/3)
Eggers, Keith (Sergeant)
82nd Airborne
Eikenberry, Karl (Lieutenant General)
Einarson, Tyler (Corporal)
Enduring Freedom, Operation (OEF)
Engineer Hekmatyar
Enlightened Ones, Land of (Nuristan)
Epperly, Dustin (Lance Corporal)
Estrada, John (Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps)
Eurasian Tectonic Plate
European Command (EUCOM)
Everest, Mount
Everheart, Hal (First Lieutenant)
Expeditionary Warfighting School (EWS)
F/A-18 Hornet
Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA, in Pakistan)
Fifth Bomb Wing, U.S. Air Force
Figueroa, Iram (Navy Hospitalman)
Fire Capable (definition of)
Fire Direction Center
Fire Support Coordination Center (FSCC)
Fire Support Team (FiST)
First Barbary War
First Battalion of the Third Marine Regiment (⅓)
First Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (“Delta Force”)
Fisher, Cody (Corporal)
Fontan, Jacques (Chief Petty Officer)
Foreign Internal Defense (FID)
Forward Air Controller (FAC), Definition of
Forward Observer (FO), Definition of
Fourth of July
Fox Company (Company F, 2/3)
Fox-1 (First Platoon, Fox Company, 2/3) ,
Fox-3 (Third Platoon, Fox Company, 2/3)
Ganci (Manus) Air Base (Kyrgyzstan)
Gatigal Sar
Gazette, Marine Corps
GBU-31 (GPS guided 2,000 pound bomb)
GBU-38 (GPS guided 500 pound bomb)
Geise, Stuart (First Lieutenant)
George, Phillip (Lance Corporal)
Ghillie Suit
Gisclair, Jim (Chief Warrant Officer)
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Global War on Terror
Goare, Shamus (Staff Sergeant)
Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986
Golf Company (Company G, 2/3)
Golf-1 (First Platoon, Golf Company, 2/3)
Golf-2 (Second Platoon, Golf Company)
Golf-3 (Third Platoon, Golf Company, 2/3)
Goodnature, Corey (Chief Warrant Officer (3))
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Great Game
Green Berets (Special Forces)
Greenfield, Paul (Lance Corporal)
Grenadem (for M203)
Grenade, Fragmentation
Grenade, Incendiary
Grenade, Smoke
Grip-11 (A-10 call sign)
Grip-21 (A-10 call sign)
Grissom, Kelly (Captain)
Guantánimo Bay
Gulab (Mohammad Gulab Khan)
Gulf of Oman
Gun Devil, Task Force
Guyton, Nick (First Lieutenant)
Hagan, Chris (First Lieutenant)
Hagee, Michael (General, Commandant of the Marine Corps)
Hamchuck (the Dog)
Hardback Humvee
Hawthorne, Nevada
Headquarters and Services Company (H & S , 2/3)
Healy, Daniel (Senior Chief Petty Officer)
Hekmatyar, Gulbadin
Henninger, Rob (Chief Warrant Officer)
Henrietta (dog)
Herat (city)
Herat Province
Hercules Tank
Hezb-e Islami Gulbadin (HIG)
Hezb-e-Islami-Khalis (HIK)
High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) Warhead
High Value Target (HVT)
Highback Humvee
Hill 2510,
Himalaya Proper
Himalayan Complex, Greater
Himalayan Deodar Cedar
Hindu Kush
Human Intelligence (HUMINT)
Hydra Rockets
ICOM Radio
IED Alley (Section of the Pech Road)
IED Strike Video (by Ahmad Shah, produced by As-Sahab Media)
Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)
Imperial Japanese
Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
Indian Monsoon
Indian Ocean
Indo-Australian Tectonic Plate
Indo-Gangetic Plains
Indus River
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
Inter Services Intelligence (ISI)
Iranian Foreign Ministry
Iridium Satellite Phone
Iron Emir (Abdur Rahman Khan)
Islamabad (Pakistan)
Island Warriors, The (⅔’s nickname)
Ismael (alias of Ahmad Shah)
Ismail, Mullah (alias of A
hmad Shah)
Iwo Jima
Jacoby, Kip (Sergeant)
Jalalabad Air Field Combat Operations Center (JAF COC)
Jalalabad Airfield (JAF)
Jalalabad Bridge
Jalalabad Provincial Reconstruction Team Base (“J-Bad PRT”)
Jalalabad, Afghanistan “J-Bad”
Jama’at-e Da’wa
Jimmy (interpreter)
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)
Joint Special Operations Area (JSOA), Definition of
Joint Special Operations Area Oklahoma (JSOA Oklahoma)
Joyce, Kevin (Lance Corporal)
Jump CP (Definition of)
Kabul Hotel
Kabul River
Kabul, Afghanistan
Kafirs (Infidels)
Kamiya, Jason (Major General)
Kandahar, Afghanistan
Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii (K-Bay)
Karmal, Babrak
Karzai, Hamid
Kennedy, Clif (First Lieutenant)
Khalis, Mohammad
Khan, Genghis
Khe Sanh
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khowst Province
Khruschev, Nikita
Khyber Pass
King Zahir Shah
Kinser, Patrick (First Lieutenant)
Koa, Task Force
Konstant, James Joseph “J.J.” or “Konnie”
Korangal (spelling)
Korangal (village)
Korangal River
Korangal Valley
Kristensen, Erik (Lieutenant Commander)
Kunar Province
Kunar River
Kunar Valley
Kuz Kunar District of Nangarhar Province
Laghman Province
Lahore (Pakistan)
Lamkandah Sar
Land Mines
Laser Rangefinder
Lashkar-e Isar (Army of Sacrifice)
Leaf Curl Virus
Lemons, Roe (First Lieutenant)
Leupold Long-Range Spotting Scope
Light, Land of (Land of the Enlightened Ones—Nuristan)
Lohstreter, Todd (First Lieutenant)
Long, Rob (First Lieutenant)
Lucas, Jeffery (Petty Officer First Class)
Lunar Illumination
Luttrell, Marcus (Navy Hospital Corpsman Second Class)
Red Wings After Action Report
M/RQ-1 Predator UAV